Who Are We?
The Johnson & Johnson Clinical Pharmacology Unit (CPU) is an innovative centre for clinical studies in Belgium, focusing on phase 1 studies. It exemplifies Belgium's remarkable position in Europe and worldwide in terms of high-quality early-phase clinical research. The CPU is located in the ZAS Palfijn Hospital in Merksem.

Dr. Paul Janssen
The founder of Janssen Pharmaceutica, Dr. Paul Janssen (1926-2003), was one of the most innovative and inspiring pharmaceutical scientists of the 20th century. He and his research team discovered around 80 new interesting molecules, including several breakthroughs that had a significant impact on the medical field. By 2003, he held over 100 patents and had published approximately 850 scientific articles. Additionally, he received more than 80 medical awards, held multiple honorary doctorates, and was an honorary member of numerous organizations.
J&J has been investing in clinical research in Belgium for many years. The CPU in Merksem was officially opened in 2003. Paul Janssen previously conducted research and drug development at our location. Since then, we have grown into a leading innovative knowledge and expertise centre.

Healthy Volunteers and Patients
Clinical studies at the Clinical Pharmacology Unit test new candidate medicines for the first time in healthy volunteers and/or patients to investigate their safety, how they are tolerated, absorbed, and metabolized by the human body, and more. Scientists use the results of these studies to determine the dose for later phase studies, aiming to demonstrate the efficacy of the treatment in an initial group of patients.

Patient Studies
In addition to research on healthy volunteers, we also conduct studies on patients. This can involve traditional drug research, where we administer study medication and examine its safety and efficacy. Alternatively, it may involve innovative research where we test new research methods or medical devices, such as a device that you wear at home to measure your blood pressure or determine your blood sugar levels. For some of our patient studies, we collaborate closely with hospitals and physicians. They first inform their patients about our studies and, if desired, refer them to J&J CPU.
Are you a healthcare institution or a specialist physician? Would you like to contribute to innovative research at Johnson & Johnson? We would love to hear your story. Please contact us for a meeting and an overview of our portfolio at [email protected].

Years of Experience in Clinical Studies at the Highest Standards
Johnson & Johnson has been investing for many years in leading clinical studies in Belgium. In 2000, all J&J's phase 1 units worldwide were consolidated at the CPU in Merksem, which has since become a centre of knowledge and expertise for clinical research. The CPU is equipped to conduct very complex and innovative studies.
The CPU applies strict ethical standards in conducting early-phase clinical studies. The safety of the participants and the quality of the data are paramount. In this regard, the CPU meets the highest standards. With the support of volunteers and patients, the team aims to fully understand the potential of new medicines and to provide innovative and high-quality clinical data for the future of patient care.

Construction of a new CPU
The construction of the new ZAS Palfijn hospital building, which will house the new Johnson & Johnson Clinical Pharmacology Unit (CPU) on the top floor in Merksem, has begun.