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“I am proud of my very first participation in a clinical study. And hopefully, I can also convince my friends.” 

Read here the story of Tom, 28 years old and a volunteer for clinical studies. 

After a five-day stay at Johnson & Johnson CPU, I return home to Ghent and to my normal life. I feel good about myself. I’ve met new people, eaten healthy, and slept wonderful at J&J CPU.

Now, when I watch the news on TV or read the newspaper on my tablet and it discusses a new medication or vaccine, I realize very well that clinical studies are an essential part of their development. This gives me a great sense of fulfillment. I also love the fact that the knowledge gained from this clinical research helps patients with Alzheimer disease. Hopefully, my grandfather can still experience this.

An experience richer

I notice that when I tell my friends and family about my experiences in the clinical study, I am very positive about it. I see it as a wonderful way to earn some extra money while contributing to a social cause. I encourage people in my inner circle to consider whether it might be something for them. 

“I proudly and happily talk about my participation in the study and encourage people in my vicinity to do it too!”

I also notice that I can talk to my friends much better about the risks associated with clinical research. Before my first participation, it was mainly hearsay, but now that I have experienced a study myself, I can confidently say that I always felt safe. There are always risks involved, but everything is arranged to provide participants with the best possible medical support. 

And a friend richer

Looking back on my stay, the best part is that I have met new people. With some participants, you can talk for an entire afternoon. With one person in particular, Amir, I still keep in touch. Soon, we will meet for a cup of coffee in downtown Antwerp after a follow-up session at Johnson & Johnson CPU.

All in all, I look back on a great experience that I am proud of. I have one follow-up visit still scheduled. This will be a final check-up, and after that, it will really be over. It was an adventure, but for the next studies, I am no longer anxious. I will definitely keep an eye on the website for follow-up research.