What do our volunteers say?
For many, it is unknown what clinical research really entails. What kind of studies can you participate in? What does your participation look like? In this fictional blog, based on interviews with our volunteers, we share their experiences with drug research at Johnson & Johnson CPU. Read the story of Tom, 28 years old and volunteer for clinical studies.

“It’s time! I am participating in a clinical study. This marks the beginning of my adventure with Johnson & Johnson CPU.”

“Yay! I passed the screening. I’m getting well prepared for my stay at the CPU.”

“Arrived at J&J CPU! This is what a clinical research centre looks like.”
How will Tom experience the accommodation and where will he stay?

“My first stay at J&J CPU is over; today I’m going back home.”

“I am proud of my very first participation in a clinical study. And hopefully, I can also convince my friends.”
How does Tom look back on his participation and what did he learn from this experience?